1. Rhino For Mac Grasshopper
  2. Rhino For Mac Grasshopper Life Cycle
  3. Rhino For Mac Grasshopper Manual
  4. Rhino For Mac Download
  5. How To Use Grasshopper Rhino

by Dan Belcher (Last modified: 05 Dec 2018)

Official developer resources for Rhino and Grasshopper. Rhino developer tools are royalty free and include support. Grasshopper for Rhino 5 - generative design tools Rhino 5 for Windows Language Pack - interface and documentation Rhino 5 for Mac - Requires a license key. Grasshopper provides the foundation for many third-party components ranging from environmental analysis to robotic control. The Grasshopper bundled with Rhino 6 is the same Grasshopper you have been using, plus many enhancements.

This guide covers all the necessary tools required to author Grasshopper components on Mac.

By the end of this guide, you should have all the tools installed necessary for authoring, building, and debugging Grasshopper components using RhinoCommon in Rhino for Mac.


Rhino For Mac Grasshopper

This guide presumes you have an:

  • Apple Mac running macOS Sierra (10.12.5) or later.
  • Rhino 5 for Mac (5.1) or later.

Install Visual Studio for Mac

Visual Studio for Mac (formerly Xamarin Studio, formerly MonoDevelop) is required to build Grasshopper components on macOS. The core pieces of the Mono platform that are required are the Mono Framework and Visual Studio for Mac. Please check out the What are Mono and Xamarin? guide for more information.


  1. Download Visual Studio for Mac.
  2. Visual Studio for Mac uses an Installer app, which downloads and installs the components that you select. Once you have downloaded the VisualStudioInstaller.dmg, double-click it to mount the disk image. Double-click the big Install Visual Studio.app icon to launch the installer.
  3. You must accept the Visual Studio Software License Agreement.
  4. Visual Studio for Mac can install the following items:
    • Visual Studio + Profiler (required)
    • Android + Xamarin.Forms1 (optional)
    • iOS + Xamarin.Forms2 (optional)
    • macOS - formerly Xamarin.Mac3 (optional)
    • Workbooks and Inspector (optional)
  5. Verify that Visual Studio + Profiler is checked and click Continue.
  6. The installer downloads and installs: Mono Framework and Visual Studio for Mac
  7. When the installer is finished, click the Launch Visual Studio button.
  8. Visual Studio - along with the Mono Framework and Profiler are now installed.
  9. Visual Studio is installed in your /Applications folder. You will want to drag its icon to your Dock for future use or - if it’s running - right/option-click the icon in the Dock and select Keep in Dock.

Install the RhinoCommon Extension

The RhinoCommon AddIn/Extension is required to debug your RhinoCommon plugins and Grasshopper components in an active session of Rhino for Mac. Additionally, it contains project templates to get you started creating components and plugins quickly.


  1. Visit the AddIn’s GitHub releases page and find the Latest release in the list of releases.
  2. Download the .mpack file in the list of Downloads on that release. For example, at the time of this writing, the Latest release download is entitled RhinoXamarinStudioAddIn_7.4.3.1.mpack.
  3. Launch Visual Studio for Mac if it not already open.
  4. Navigate to Visual Studio > Extensions…
  5. Click the Install from file… button in the lower left-hand corner.
  6. Navigate to the .mpack file you downloaded in step 2 above.
  7. Click Install. The plugin should install.
  8. IMPORTANT: You must Quit and Restart Visual Studio for Mac.
  9. Navigate to Extensions Studio > Add-ins.. > Installed tab. Verify that RhinoCommon Plugin Support exists under the Debugging category. If it’s there, you have successfully installed the Extension and you are DONE.

Next Steps

Congratulations! You have all the tools necessary to build a Grasshopper component on macOS. Now what?

Check out the Your First Component (Mac) guide for instructions building - your guessed it - your first component.


  1. Xamarin.Android is used to build C# .NET applications for Android devices. This is useful to have installed if you wish to use the RhinoMobile toolkit, but not required for RhinoCommon in Rhino for Mac. ↩

  2. Xamarin.iOS is used to build C# .NET applications for Apple iOS devices. This is useful to have installed if you wish to use the RhinoMobile toolkit, but not required for RhinoCommon in Rhino for Mac. ↩

  3. Xamarin.Mac is Xamarin’s proprietary closed-source toolkit build on the open-source MonoMac (aka Mono for macOS). Xamarin.Mac provides a commercial license of Mono, bindings to additional frameworks, and the ability to create self-contained application bundles that do not require mono. Rhino for Mac does not currently use Xamarin.Mac. ↩

Rhinoceros and Grasshopper – developed by Robert McNeel & Associates – are considered market leaders in industrial design modeling and algorithmic design.
Now, designers have various options to connect Archicad’s professional BIM work environment with the modeling power of Rhino and Grasshopper.


Before installing any connections, make sure that Archicad, Rhinoceros3D and Grasshopper is installed on your computer.

Table of Contents

Grasshopper – Archicad Live Connection
Rhinoceros Import/Export Add-ons
Rhinoceros – GDL Converter

Grasshopper – Archicad Live Connection

Important Notes:

  • The v23 & v24 of Grasshopper – Archicad Live Connection supports Rhino 5 and Rhino 6 on both platforms (Win & macOS).
  • On Windows both v21,v22 of Grasshopper – Archicad Live Connection supports Rhino6.
  • On macOS both v21 and v22 of Grasshopper – Archicad Live Connection supports Rhino5. They don’t support Rhino6 WIP.
  • Grasshopper – Archicad Live Connection is not compatible with Archicad STAR(T) Edition.
Detailed Information and Downloads Windows macOSCompatible with
Archicad build
User GuideLast updated
Grasshopper-Archicad 24 Live Connection13.7 MB
1.6 (24.0.3008)
8.4 MB
1.6 (24.0.3008)
3008Jul. 8, 2020
Grasshopper-Archicad 23 Live Connection20.8 MB
1.0 (23.0.4006)
16 MB
1.0 (23.0.4006)
4006May. 4, 2020
Grasshopper-Archicad 22 Live Connection24 MB
2.2 (22.0.6026)
19.3 MB
2.2 (22.0.6026)
6021Sep. 5, 2019
Grasshopper-Archicad 21 Live Connection 9.1 MB
2.0 (21.0.7005)
12.5 MB
2.0 (21.0.7005)
7000Dec 13, 2018
Grasshopper-Archicad 20 Live Connection8.6 MB
1.7 (20.0.6022)
21.3 MB
1.7 (20.0.6022) Beta
7001June 15, 2017
Grasshopper-Archicad 19 Live Connection7.12 MB
1.5 (19.0.9006)
9001June 1, 2017
Grasshopper-Archicad 18 Live Connection7.39 MB
1.5 (18.0.9534)
9013Sep. 7, 2016

Rhinoceros Import/Export Add-ons

Important Notes:

Rhino 6 format is not supported in the built in Rhinoceros Import/Export function in Archicad 22.


From Archicad 20 on these Add-Ons are part of the Archicad package. In Archicad 19 and 18 install these free Add-ons to enable Archicad to import and export models using Rhino’s native (.3dm) file format.

Import Rhino Model to Archicad

Rhino Importer Add-on enables Archicad users on both the Mac and Windows platforms to pass on the model or part of the model produced in Rhino to Archicad. This Add-on, available for Archicad 18 and 19, enables you to open or merge native Rhino (*.3dm) files directly in Archicad.

Download Version Windows Mac OSXLast updated
Rhino Importer for Archicad 191.015.6 MB5.75 MBSep. 30, 2015
Rhino Importer for Archicad 181.015.9 MB5.70 MBSep. 30, 2015
Import Rhino Model to Archicad User GuideSep. 30, 2015

Export Archicad Model to Rhino

Rhino Exporter Add-on enables Archicad users on both the Mac and Windows platforms to pass on the model or part of the model produced in ARHICAD to Rhino. This Add-on, available for Archicad 18 and 19, enables you to save the Archicad 3D model as a Rhino file (*.3DM).

Download Version Windows Mac OSXLast updated
Rhino Exporter for Archicad 191.02.52 MB1.73 MBSep. 30, 2015
Rhino Exporter for Archicad 181.02.84 MB1.68 MBSep. 30, 2015

Rhino For Mac Grasshopper

Export Rhino Model to Archicad User GuideSep. 30, 2015

Rhinoceros – GDL Converter

Install these free plug-ins to convert Rhino models to native Archicad GDL elements – standalone objects (.gsm) or library containers (.lcf).

Please watch this video to find out more about how to install the necessary plug-ins, and how to import a model created in Rhinoceros into Archicad as native GSM objects. The video first presents the “Single Object Import” workflow using.gsm files and then the “Complex Structure Import” using .lcf files.

Steps to import Rhinoceros models to Archicad

Download and install plug-in for Rhino

Download and launch this “GSM-LCF exporter for Rhino 5” Rhino plug-in to be able to save/export Rhino models.

GSM-LCF exporter for Rhino 5

Rhino for mac grasshopper tool
Choose import method

Depending on the size of the Rhino model, choose one of these two import methods:

Single Object Import to Archicad

Use this workflow to import small-sized single objects or groups of small objects saved in GSM format to Archicad.

Save Rhino model as GSM file

In Rhino, select the model or its parts you want to export and save them as GSM Object File using the “GSM-LCF Exporter for Rhino 5” plug-in. Go to File/Save or File/Export Selected and in the upcoming dialog choose the “Archicad GDL Object” file type (extension .gsm).

Place the object in Archicad

In Archicad, add the object to the Embedded Library, then place it into the Archicad project as an Object.

Complex Structure Import into Archicad

Use this workflow for larger and complex Rhino models to convert them into a set of (smaller) GDL objects. This process enables the user to retain separate logical parts within the same model while providing a functionality to monitor and easily update the imported Rhino models in Archicad. The LCF option is also advised to enable Archicad’s performance optimization algorithm to work seamlessly on an imported large Rhino model.

Save Rhino model as LCF file

In Rhino, select the object(s) you want to export as a reference model to Archicad. Go to File/Save or File/Export Selected and save them as LCF Container File using the “GSM-LCF Exporter for Rhino 5” plug-in. In the upcoming dialog choose the “Archicad GDL Object Library” file type (extension .lcf).

Download and install the “Rhino LCF Observer” Add-On for Archicad

Rhino LCF Observer 20 for Windows

Rhino LCF Observer 20 for Mac OS X

Rhino For Mac Grasshopper Life Cycle


Rhino For Mac Grasshopper Manual

Rhino LCF Observer 19 for Windows

Rhino LCF Observer 19 for Mac OS X

Rhino LCF Observer 18 for Windows

Rhino LCF Observer 18 for Mac OS X

Place LCF model in Archicad

Rhino For Mac Download

In Archicad, add the LCF file as a Linked Library in Library Manager, then place it into the Archicad project as an Object. Using the “Rhino LCF Observer” Add-On you can place all objects from the LCF files, and/or to update any placed instances as needed.

How To Use Grasshopper Rhino

Guides for Rhinoceros-GDL Converter