
MAMP Pro 5.3

Check this option to make the current PHP version available on the command line. MAMP PRO uses aliases to provide this functionality. When this option is checked the following is added to your /.profile file. MAMP & MAMP PRO 5.5. MAMP PRO is the commercial, professional grade version of the classic local server environment for OS X: MAMP. Designed for professional Web developers and programmers, MAMP Pro allows easy installation and administration of their development environment under OS X. MAMP PRO is the commercial, professional frontend for the classic local server environment: MAMP. With MAMP PRO you can create a separate host for each of your web projects. Install WordPress with only one click and after completion of your page, publish it directly from MAMP PRO on your live server. This is just a small part of what. After the above-shown download page opens up, click on the MAMP & MAMP PRO 5.2 under Apple’s icon as highlighted above. This will download the latest version of MAMP package file. Now, wait until the download is complete as shown above. MAMP Pro is the commercial, professional grade version of the classic local server environment for Mac OS X: MAMP. Designed for professional web developers and programmers, MAMP Pro allows easy.

Mamp: Create a local server easily.
MAMP PRO helps you install and manage their own development environments that provide support for multiple DNS dynamic, virtual hosts and more. Professional programmers and Web developers can use MAMP Pro to create and manage their own custom development environment.

MAMP offers even more opportunities for web developers. We are now supporting MySQL 5.6 and Nginx is now fully integrated. They have improved server startup times.
MAMP installs a local server environment in a matter of seconds on your computer. It comes for free, and is easily installed. MAMP will not compromise any existing Apache installation that is running on your system. It can install Apache, PHP and MySQL without starting a script or having to change any configuration files! Also, if MAMP is no longer needed, simply delete the MAMP folder and everything returns to its original state (ie MAMP does not modify the “normal” system).
Similar to a distribution of Linux, MAMP is a combination of free software and therefore is offered for free. MAMP is distributed under the GNU General Public License and therefore can be distributed freely within the limits of this license. Note that some of the included software is released with a different license. In these cases, the corresponding license applies.
Apache, the web server http open source is one of the main parts of MAMP. Because of its modular structure, it can be improved easily with supplements. MAMP comes with more than 70 Apache modules like PHP, SSL, WebDAV, Auth, Cache and many more. Many ISPs use Apache MAMP what makes it the perfect tool to test their websites locally before releasing them .
Nginx is a web server. It can act as a reverse proxy server for HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3 and IMAP as well as a load balancer and an HTTP cache.
A database is at the heart of every modern and dynamic website. MAMP comes with MySQL, which is the system relational database most commonly used. There is a MySQL interface for almost all programming languages and scripts available. Thanks to MAMP you can easily develop complex applications MySQL database on your local PC and then upload them to your live system. For easy setup, MAMP PRO comes with phpMyAdmin.
81% (and growing) of all websites using PHP as the server programming language. This means that PHP is the most widely used programming language for creating websites. PHP is preinstalled on almost every ISP. MAMP comes with two versions of PHP. You can switch between configuration versions. The most popular extensions like XCache, SQLite, Curl, Freetype and libxml come preinstalled with MAMP.

Settings > Hosts > Apache


Mamp Pro For Mac Os

Apache options can be set for the selected virtual host in the table. These options are security relevant! More information about configuring your Apache Server can be found at the Apache website.

Note: You cannot make changes to the Apache settings unless the host is set to Apache on the Settings > Hosts > General tab.
Note: Please always pay attention to the exact spelling of all specifications. Due to errors in the set options, Apache may not start.

Mamp Pro For Mac Pro

  • Options for <Directory> directive

    For detailed information on each option, see the corresponding chapter in the Apache documentation.

    • Indexes
      Activates or deactivates “directory browsing”. If there is no index.html, index.php, etc. in the document root,the content of the folder is displayed when this option is enabled. Without this option, nothing will be displayedor an error message will appear.

    • Includes
      Allows the use of Server Side Includes (SSI).

    • SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
      Restricted version of “FollowSymLinks”. Allows reference to objects via symbolic links only if the owner matches.

    • FollowSymLinks
      Allows the use of symbolic links as reference to documents in other directories. This is an elegant feature ifyou would like references to objects that are outside of the directory tree (e.g. protocol files of the web server),but know you want to avoid the hiding of objects through the URL tree.

    • IncludesNOEXEC
      Server-side includes are permitted, but the #exec cmd and #exec cgi are disabled. It is still possible to #include virtual CGI scripts from ScriptAliased directories.

    • Exec-CGI
      Permit CGI execution.

    • MultiViews
      Allows the use or disabling of dynamic documents depending on the language.

    • AllowOverride
      Types of directives that are allowed in .htaccess files.
      (See the Apache documentation for more information.)

    • Require
      Tests whether an authenticated user is authorized by an authorization provider.(See the Apache documentation for more information.)

  • Additional parameters for <Directory> directive
    The statements in this field get added to the <Directory> ... </Directory> portion of the host in Apache’s config file.

  • Directory index
    Determine which file Apache should serve if no filename is given in an address. By default it is either index.html or index.php.

  • Additional Parameters for <VirtualHost> directive
    These directives go directly to the httpd.conf file.

  • Server admin
    E-mail address that the server includes in error messages sent to the client.
    (See the Apache documentation for more information.)

httpd.conf file

You cannot directly edit your httpd.conf file in MAMP PRO. You need to make custom configurations through your httpd.conf template file. More information on how to configure your httpd.conf template file can be found in our Menu > File section.

Mamp And Mamp Pro

MAMP PRO and httpd.conf, php.ini, my.cnf

Additional Apache Server Configuration

The configuration files in the /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/ directory can be included to add extra features or to modify the default configuration of the server. Uncomment, then edit, any of the following configuration files in your httpd.conf template file to make customizations.

Mamp Pro For Mac Computers

  • Server-pool management (MPM specific)
    #Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
    (See the Apache documentation for more information.)

  • Multi-language error messages
    #Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-multilang-errordoc.conf
    (See the Apache documentation for more information.)

  • Fancy directory listings
    #Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf
    (See the Apache documentation for more information.)

  • Language settings
    #Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-languages.conf

  • Real-time info on requests and configuration
    #Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-info.conf
    (See the Apache documentation for more information.)

  • Local access to the Apache HTTP Server Manual
    #Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-manual.conf

  • Distributed authoring and versioning (WebDAV)
    #Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-dav.conf
    (See the Apache documentation for more information.)

  • Various default settings
    #Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-default.conf