
NVIDIA® CUDA Toolkit 11.0 no longer supports development or running applications on macOS. While there are no tools which use macOS as a target environment, NVIDIA is making macOS host versions of these tools that you can launch profiling and debugging sessions on supported target platforms.

  • Nvidia today announced the release of CUDA beta (12.9MB) for the Mac, a developer's kit that allows users to create derivative works for academic, commercial, or personal purposes. In addition to Nvidia's cards being used for gaming, some research firms use CUDA to do molecular modeling using parall.
  • New in CUDA Toolkit 7.0.29: CUDA Tools: The CUDA-GDB debugger is deprecated on the Mac platform and will be removed from it in the next release of the CUDA Toolkit. Furthermore, the CUDA-GDB tool included in CUDA 7.0 has several known issues in single-GPU Mac Pro configurations and on the MacBook and iMac platforms. Resolved Issues.
  • Check cuda version mac. NVIDIA CUDA Getting Started Guide for Mac OS X, developer.download.nvidia.com › compute › cuda › rel › docs › CUDAG After installing CUDA one can check the versions by: nvcc -V. I have installed both 5.0 and 5.5 so it gives.

You may download all these tools here. Note that the Nsight tools provide the ability to download these macOS host versions on their respective product pages.

Note: Quadro FX for Mac or GeForce for Mac must be installed prior to CUDA Driver 410.130 installation. Double-click on cudadriver410.130macos.dmg; Click Continue on the Installer Welcome screen; Click Continue after you read the License Agreement and then click Agree; Click Install on the Standard Install Screen. NVIDIA CUDA Installation Guide for Mac OS X DU-05348-001v9.2 2 Table 1 Mac Operating System Support in CUDA 9.2 Toolchain Mac OSX Version (native x8664). Xcode Apple LLVM 10.13.5 9.2 9.0.0 YES (.) As specific minor versions of Mac OSX are released, the corresponding CUDA drivers can be downloaded from here.

Please visit each tool's overview page for more information about the tool and its supported target platforms.

The macOS host tools provided are:

  • Nsight Systems - a system profiler and timeline trace tool supporting Pascal and newer GPUs
  • Nsight Compute - a CUDA kernel profiler supporting Volta and new GPUs
  • Visual Profiler - a CUDA kernel and system profiler and timeline trace tool supporting older GPUs (see installation instructions, below)
  • cuda-gdb - a GPU and CPU CUDA application debugger (see installation instructions, below)

NVIDIA® development tools are freely offered through the NVIDIA Registered Developer Program

Instructions for installing cuda-gdb on the macOS

    This tar archive holds the distribution of the CUDA 11.0 cuda-gdb debugger front-end for macOS.
    Native macOS debugging is not supported in this release. Remote debugging from a macOS host to other CUDA enabled targets, however, is supported.
    To install:
    1. Create an installation directory
        mkdir $INSTALL_DIR
        cd $INSTALL_DIR
    2. Download the cuda-gdb-darwin-11.0.tar.gz tar archive into $INSTALL_DIR above
    3. Unpack the tar archive
        tar fxvz cuda-gdb-darwin-11.0.tar.gz
    4. Add the bin directory to your path
    5. Run cuda-gdb --version to confirm you're picking up the correct binaries
        cuda-gdb --version
    6. You should see the following output:

        NVIDIA (R) CUDA Debugger
        11.0 release
        Portions Copyright (C) 2007-2020 NVIDIA Corporation
        GNU gdb (GDB) 8.2
        Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
        License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later for more information:

      Notes about JRE Requirements when using Visual Profiler on the macOS

        OpenJDK provides an open-source (and standards compliant) implementation of a Java compliant JVM.
        Binaries are provided by various vendors such as Oracle, Azul Systems (Zulu), Amazon, Red Hat, IBM, etc.
        Visual Profiler needs to use an older version of Java, specifically JRE update 151, to work correctly.
        This is currently not offered by Oracle JDK but is provided by Azul Systems (Zulu).
        The Bazel Build project also uses the Zulu builds of OpenJDK.
        Download JDK 8.0.144 to get JRE update 151:
          • Download version: 8u144-b01 (Zulu: .dmg.zip.tar.gz
          • Download version: Zulu (build 1.8.0_144-b01 .zip

      What's New


      ZED SDK 3.3 brings major updates of Object Detection and Body Tracking modules, along with many SDK fixes and improvements. Object Detection is now 2x faster and more accurate. Body Tracking is also improved thank to new body fitting technique.

      The release also adds support for CUDA 11.1 and the new RTX 30x GPUs

      To update to 3.3 from previous 2.X versions, read the migration guide.


      Cuda Sdk For Mac

      New Features

      Object Detection
      • Improved Object Detection accuracy and speed while reducing memory usage, up to 40% faster inference speed on Jetson Nano JP44 and 40% more accuracy compared to previous versions.
      • Add a new Detection Model MULTI_CLASS_BOX_ACCURATE, 3x times more accurate than the standard 3.2 model (while being only 30% slower).
      • New objects classes can now be detected, such as BAG, ANIMAL, ELECTRONICS, FRUIT_VEGETABLE.
      • Detected Objects now have a sub-class, which is more descriptive.
      • Detected Objects are now sorted by depth, from the closest to the farthest.
      Body Tracking
      • Add body fitting mode, resulting in smooth and realistic skeletons movements. Can be enabled using ObjectDetectionParameters::enable_body_fitting.
      • Improved speed of skeleton detection by +40% on all platforms.
      • Reduced CPU usage when using skeleton tracking.


      General Improvements
      • Camera capture and grab is now more stable during long-term usage and can recover from USB connection drops.
      • Camera capture timestamps (from sl::zed::getTimestamp()) are now continuously adjusted to host clock changes (for example when using NTP or PTP synchronization). This allows for better synchronization between multiple ZED cameras connected to different hosts sharing the same sync source (NTP or PTP).
      • Camera::saveAreaMap() function now check if the '.area' extension is used and adds it if necessary.
      • On Linux, the SDK installer has been split into a standard and full version. The installer is up to 50% lighter on desktop using the standard version. The major difference between the two version is that the full SDK installer contains the static ZED library.
      Bug Fixes

      Cuda Sdk For Mac Installer

      • Resolve symbols conflicts when linking with OpenCV using the static ZED library.
      • Improve CUDA version detection in the Python installer script.
      • Windows installers are now signed again.
      • Improve ZED2 connection reliability (open()) when LOW_USB_BANDWIDTH was triggered as output. It can now automatically recover by restarting the camera module.
      • Fix missing linear acceleration metadata in SVO files (for ZED2) recorded with ZED Explorer.
      • Fix RecordingStatus linking error that could occurs in some cases like dynamically loading the zed library
      • Fix download location when using custom settings filepath (InitParameters::optional_settings_path), the previous behavior incorrectly downloaded the file into the standard path.
      • getCurrentFPS() function now reports correctly the application FPS (computed from the time between two consecutive grab calls), even when using SVO or Streaming inputs.
      • Fix and improve Plane Detection with Depth Mode set in QUALITY.
      • Fix Object Detection sample crash when using 2D mask that could occurs when the mask was empty.
      • Fix Spatial mapping chunk usage with fused point clouds. The chunk::has_been_updated flag was not correctly set, leading to all the chunks marked as updated. Now only the chunks that have been updated during the last loop are marked as true.
      • Spatial Mapping can now use all the available memory and is not limited to a power of 2 amount.
      • Spatial Mapping from a SVO now processes each frame, unless it is set as real time mode. It was previously in a non synchronized thread and could skip frames when using in offline mode.
      • Fix usage of an initial transform matrix in positional tracking initialization in the Python wrapper (it was previously partially ignored).
      • ROS2 Eloquent is now supported in the latest ZED ROS 2 wrapper update.
      • Updated and fixed various ROS wrapper issues.
      • Improved Unity plugin support of Object detection and Skeleton tracking.
      • Updated C++, Python and C# wrappers and samples. Tutorials codes are now available in the installer package.
      Known Issues
      • ZED Static library is not available with JetPack 4.4.
      • JetPack 4.3 support is now deprecated and will be removed in the next release. In 3.3, JetPack 4.3 SDK uses the previous version of Object detection module (MULTI CLASS BOX model).
      • CUDA 10.0 support is now deprecated. Users are encouraged to move to CUDA 11.0 or newer.
      • Ubuntu 16.04 support is deprecated and will be removed in the next release.
      • CUDA 9.0 and JetPack 4.2 support have been removed.


      For older releases and changelog, see the ZED SDK release archive.

      SDK Downloads

      The ZED SDK allows you to add depth, motion sensing and spatial AI to your application. Available as a standalone installer, it includes applications, tools and sample projects with source code. Please check out our GitHub page and SDK documentation for additional resources.

      Standard installer

      This version of the installer includes the standard dynamic libraries, tools and samples.

      CUDA 11.1

      • ZED SDK for Windows 103.3.0
      • ZED SDK for Ubuntu 203.3.0
      • ZED SDK for Ubuntu 183.3.0
      • ZED SDK for Ubuntu 163.3.0

      CUDA 11.0

      • ZED SDK for Windows 103.3.0
      • ZED SDK for Ubuntu 203.3.0
      • ZED SDK for Ubuntu 183.3.0
      • ZED SDK for Ubuntu 163.3.0

      Cuda Sdk For Mac High Sierra

      CUDA 10.2

      • ZED SDK for Windows 103.3.0
      • ZED SDK for Ubuntu 183.3.0
      • ZED SDK for Ubuntu 163.3.0

      CUDA 10.0

      Nvidia cuda mac
      • ZED SDK for Windows 103.3.0
      • ZED SDK for Ubuntu 183.3.0
      • ZED SDK for Ubuntu 163.3.0

      NVIDIA Jetson

      • ZED SDK for Jetpack (Jetson Nano, NX, TX2, Xavier, CUDA 10.2)
      • ZED SDK for Jetpack (Jetson Nano, TX2, Xavier, CUDA 10)
      Full installer

      This version of the installer includes the standard dynamic libraries, tools and samples but also the static libraries and their dependencies.

      Mac Cuda Driver Update Required

      CUDA 11.1

      • ZED SDK Full installer for Ubuntu 203.3.0
      • ZED SDK Full installer for Ubuntu 183.3.0
      • ZED SDK Full installer for Ubuntu 163.3.0

      CUDA 11.0

      • ZED SDK Full installer for Ubuntu 203.3.0
      • ZED SDK Full installer for Ubuntu 183.3.0
      • ZED SDK Full installer for Ubuntu 163.3.0

      CUDA 10.2

      • ZED SDK Full installer for Ubuntu 183.3.0
      • ZED SDK Full installer for Ubuntu 163.3.0

      CUDA 10.0

      • ZED SDK Full installer for Ubuntu 183.3.0
      • ZED SDK Full installer for Ubuntu 163.3.0

      NVIDIA Jetson

      • ZED SDK Full installer for Jetpack (Jetson Nano, TX2, Xavier, CUDA 10)


      For older releases and changelog, see the ZED SDK release archive.


      Build applications with ZED and your favorite tools and languages using these integrations. View all integrations >


      Cuda Sdk

      ZED World is a standalone application that allows you to experience mixed reality with stereo pass-through in VR headsets. Requires ZED Mini, Oculus Rift or HTC Vive.

      • ZED World (Windows only)